another day another dollar
after yet another day at work i'm now back at home wanting to watch crappy tv yet i have a stack of notes which need to be typed up into my dissertation and ive lost the will to live but i must continue!! lol
oh and to anyone who saw me saturday at the hatchet nice to met you and im sorry for my funny half hour lol
but it has been discovered what went wrong i had a tummy bug which norm wouldnt be a problem but after speaking to my step-dad i discovered he only found out he had a tummy bug after drinking he had a funny half hour too went to the doc's and seeing as we all ate the same thing we've all got it
so again sorry for the funny half hour lol but it wasnt my fault!!! lol
ok im ranting now so i'll go bye bye
after yet another day at work i'm now back at home wanting to watch crappy tv yet i have a stack of notes which need to be typed up into my dissertation and ive lost the will to live but i must continue!! lol
oh and to anyone who saw me saturday at the hatchet nice to met you and im sorry for my funny half hour lol

so again sorry for the funny half hour lol but it wasnt my fault!!! lol
ok im ranting now so i'll go bye bye
i hope ur workin hard

Cheers hon
funny half hour? must've missed that
ahh, shame you can't make it to Erica's this Saturday, still I'll try to keep an eye out for you on MSN