ok well not really that much to say but here we go...
spent the weekend at antonys which was fun wit the snow and i swear mikey has way too much energy!! somebody give the boy a tranqulizer!!! lol
oh and im going to hell, so it was nice knowing you and i'll say hello to pinhead for you
bad news i got a infection in my wisdom tooth, which shows you the level of my wisdom ha ha, so im in sooooo much pain
and i look like a hamster cos one side of my face has blown up like 10 times bigger than the other side, which should be physically impossible!!
spent the weekend at antonys which was fun wit the snow and i swear mikey has way too much energy!! somebody give the boy a tranqulizer!!! lol
oh and im going to hell, so it was nice knowing you and i'll say hello to pinhead for you
bad news i got a infection in my wisdom tooth, which shows you the level of my wisdom ha ha, so im in sooooo much pain