Today, i was working at the wonderful toys r us, and it being half term and all, there were lots of scummy kids about.
Now when the troublesome kids come in i usualy let someone else deal with it, as i would most probably get upset if they yelled back at me, but today i was feeling confident. 3 summy little kids, proceeded to mount 3 of the go karts and ride them round the shop knocking over things, now this REALLY annoys me.
now im not fond of britney spears but i dont think its fair to go riding into a big display of her plastic singing pink tour buses.
anyways...i asked them if they has parents with them in the store, they lied.
they got kicked out, but they had to cheeck to walk back in, that when i got mad and yelled "I though i told you to get out the fucking store"
so i sed the word 'fuck' in front of many innocents, but hey its worked, they left, whoo for me!
other new.... check this scarey shit out
and arent japanese chicks hot? who agree's.
plus Edea wants to see my boobies, hehe im special
Now when the troublesome kids come in i usualy let someone else deal with it, as i would most probably get upset if they yelled back at me, but today i was feeling confident. 3 summy little kids, proceeded to mount 3 of the go karts and ride them round the shop knocking over things, now this REALLY annoys me.
now im not fond of britney spears but i dont think its fair to go riding into a big display of her plastic singing pink tour buses.
anyways...i asked them if they has parents with them in the store, they lied.
they got kicked out, but they had to cheeck to walk back in, that when i got mad and yelled "I though i told you to get out the fucking store"
so i sed the word 'fuck' in front of many innocents, but hey its worked, they left, whoo for me!
other new.... check this scarey shit out
and arent japanese chicks hot? who agree's.
plus Edea wants to see my boobies, hehe im special
It's hard for me not to say 'fuck' when I'm at work because it's such a regular part of my vocabulary. Fuckity-fuckin-fuck-fuck!
Just dont volunteer to dress up as Geoffery the giraffe