hey people, im sorry i have been ilusive and mopey, i had man trouble, and i cud not get to the internet very much.
I dont no whetther to bother trying to do a set again, due to how many model applications this site gets nowadays, plus u have to participate on the site to have more of a chance of getting accepted, which i cant do due to not getting online much, either that or u have to be so stunning they dont care if u chat on here or not.
the man problems involces my ex who didnt want me to be on this site, he called me a slut *boo hoo*
but now im gonna take a line from Stone cold steve austin (a wrestler to all those who might not know)
If you want me to give it another go and get nekkid gimme a hell yeah!
I dont no whetther to bother trying to do a set again, due to how many model applications this site gets nowadays, plus u have to participate on the site to have more of a chance of getting accepted, which i cant do due to not getting online much, either that or u have to be so stunning they dont care if u chat on here or not.
the man problems involces my ex who didnt want me to be on this site, he called me a slut *boo hoo*
but now im gonna take a line from Stone cold steve austin (a wrestler to all those who might not know)
If you want me to give it another go and get nekkid gimme a hell yeah!
Go for it. You're attractive enough to have a set on here. I wanna see! Don't worry about man trouble. IF he doesn't accept what you like, he isn't worth your time is he? Trust me on that one. I had that problem. The girl was like "fix your job situation and your living situation and we can be together." I dumped her that same night. So, do what makes YOU happy. Good luck!
We want JD the Anime Girl!