So, I did this freewriting thing on myspace that has made me want to do it here. It's basicly random thoughts, completely ignoring the fact that someone is going to read it. The thing is, I whine too much here, without giving details and totallly holding back. I think my journals will serve me better if I were totally honest and never held back like as if noone will ever read it. I mean, fuck whoever doesnt like what I have to say. I paid for this membership...on my own journal...I should have freespeech about my life. Hopefully this attitude will spread to my real life, and I just wont hold back my feelings and thoughts. I reread my journals. Never again will that happen. From now on its like freewriting association. Random as hell. Unedited. My goal...turn into the person I want to be...reason now...stress making me sick and a lil mental, need change, need venting, basicly Im gonna fix shit. So, on that update...keep your ear to the grind.