So, today is very nice out. It's funny how weather effects your mood. In my case I think it's the amount of light and pretty scenery. There was plenty of sun in Vegas, yet I hated living there because everything looked ugly, and people acted ugly. The northwest is the opposite of that. It has alot of culture and a good balance of city and nature. Beatiful when it's not gloomy and grey. I would like to see studies on the effects of weather (and physical activity) on a persons happiness or mental health. Sometime before the end of May, my girl and I are taking the train to Seattle and staying
for about 3 days. Im hoping for something great to happen there... such as Dawn find the perfect school that she wants to finish at, we find a house in Queen Anne neighborhood, and I find a bad ass job that leaves me time to go to school and spend time with my girl. I suppose you could say I'm putting extemely wishful thinking into this trip. Most of all I want us to have fun and be relaxed. Seattle is the only place that feels like home. I hope it has a similar effect on Dawn.
In other news. My second job offered me more days working there. That's good because they pay better. It's bad because my first job needs me mostly on the weekends and Im up next for bartending, though I've been up next for more than 6 months. So, Im thinking of telling the GM that I have been getting job offers and turning them down, but Im gonna have to take this one if I cant bartend here soon. I deserve it, and they KNOW that, so I dont see what the fucking problem is. Well, Im out. In the words of Nala "Love, peace, chickengrease fuckers."
for about 3 days. Im hoping for something great to happen there... such as Dawn find the perfect school that she wants to finish at, we find a house in Queen Anne neighborhood, and I find a bad ass job that leaves me time to go to school and spend time with my girl. I suppose you could say I'm putting extemely wishful thinking into this trip. Most of all I want us to have fun and be relaxed. Seattle is the only place that feels like home. I hope it has a similar effect on Dawn.
In other news. My second job offered me more days working there. That's good because they pay better. It's bad because my first job needs me mostly on the weekends and Im up next for bartending, though I've been up next for more than 6 months. So, Im thinking of telling the GM that I have been getting job offers and turning them down, but Im gonna have to take this one if I cant bartend here soon. I deserve it, and they KNOW that, so I dont see what the fucking problem is. Well, Im out. In the words of Nala "Love, peace, chickengrease fuckers."

what he said

hi boyfriend....too bad you feel like crap....a bike ride would be nice.......i looooooooooooooooove you!!! smooches and stuff...xoxo