So I havent had any head/eye pain since saturday. Im stoked. Tommorrow I get my bike. Once again...stoked. My neighbor moved out and gave us a bunch wood tables and furniture n stuff. Dawn and I want to sand it down, stain the wood with colored stains and put matching chrome handles on all the droors. That would be a kinda fun project. It's gonna be nice when Dawn gets out of school and I get paid more. Im not sure if we're gonna stay in Portland at that time, but we for sure want to buy a place of our own, and I want to go to school during the day. I guess getting the furniture made me think of having a place of our own that we want to stay in. Since moving to Portland we havent really settled yet. We didnt get furniture, put pictures up, or make any place we've lived here a home. I dont have alot more to say, I just wanted to update my shiz. Have a good week kids.

dawn loves jacob....

weeeelll, ya know being touched by strangers can also be so very electric...just no unwanted touch by creepy strangers