Worked the gaybar thursday night. Sooooo fuckin easy. Kicking out people or cutting off people is practicly nothing. They dont fight, spit, kick, yell, or try to argue with you. They just get embarrassed and leave. Instead of guys bumping into me and trying to puff up and challenge me, they get out of the way, smile, and tell me that Im hot. Fucking hilarious. They tip so much better, act better, and the whole thing is just super CAKE.
On another weirder note, I've been having horrible headache pains on the right side of my head. Then there's a peircing pressure behind my right eye which makes my eye go blurry to where I cant see. Sleep seems to be the only thing that makes it go away for a bit. I allmost went to the hospital from work last night over it. My vision was getting fucked. Im hoping it goes away by itself. If it gets worse Im going to the doctor for sure. Well I need to do laundry and fun stuff like that. I hope my bike gets here soon. I need to get more fit... gay bars remind you that real fast. Im out kids.
On another weirder note, I've been having horrible headache pains on the right side of my head. Then there's a peircing pressure behind my right eye which makes my eye go blurry to where I cant see. Sleep seems to be the only thing that makes it go away for a bit. I allmost went to the hospital from work last night over it. My vision was getting fucked. Im hoping it goes away by itself. If it gets worse Im going to the doctor for sure. Well I need to do laundry and fun stuff like that. I hope my bike gets here soon. I need to get more fit... gay bars remind you that real fast. Im out kids.

You should get that checked out if it's been constant and there hasn't been any change. It could be something major or time dependent. Hope it's nothing bad or serious. Go to the Dr.!
As for your head pain...PLEASE get it checked out, my experiences with similar situations thru both my sister and Grandfather have not been PLEASE...get it checked. It is probably nothing dangerous, perhaps migraines (the impaired eyesight and fact that sleep is the only relief sounds exactly so) or maybe light cluster headaches but it's better to be safe right!? do it sweet boy, if only to put your girls mind at rest!...I'm tipsy...*hic*