So, I got my job at the gay bar. It's one night a week but pays twice what my other job pays, with opportunity to be barback soon and make alot more with better hours. The reason for applying at another bar...especially a gay bar, is I got bit by a psycho girl that stripped down to absolutely nothing and started fighting. She was fucking psychotic. There are alot of people that wont forget that night, and that night just reinforced the fact that I need a new job where I get paid good for the work I put in. If I work my ass off, I expect to be rewarded equally for that work. After a year at my job I was just the best worker, getting pigeon-holed into hard situations that showed absolutely no reward. It was a breath of fresh air to get this job. I start thursday. The hours are perfect and the pay is considerably more. I love that. I have too much bar experience to stay in some shitty security position waiting forever for a chance to do my work. Anyways. Im done. I want to say one more thing... to Dawn= I love you and remember that, no matter what.
To all those.

To all those.

Candy - Woohoo!