Just got back from my diversion appointment. Gave them the last of my money, and get to look forward to taking a bus across town each week and paying $30 a week for at least 4 months, and $20 for each UA. If that werent cool enough... I get to go to a victims panel and get yelled at by people crying and spitting accusations at me. Fun times. Why does justice have to involve paying money? I mean that's not really fair. If you dont have money and someone else has alot that they can pay the court... does that make me more guilty of my crime or less willing to accept the ramifications of my actions? No. Ah well. What can ya do? Bitchin about it wont help it out. And other than that... my thoughts today are...I need a new job that pays well and I need to go to art school. Bartending 3 nights a week and going to school would be great. Especially if I could bartend on weeknights. Perhaps I'll start looking and getting resume's out.

*LoL then you can come to classes with me and it's an amazing school
if you're a bartender you should want to work weekend, that's when you money honey, our bartenders go home with $300 easy on friday and saturday nights
And yeah I take them myself, I don't trust anyone around here to do it, most people don't even know about it. The last one I did before this one *L...it was in a blue room and I was wearing a black thing...Matt took those for me while I was in Montreal but all the rest I did myself.