So my best friend and his girl arrived last night to move here. It was alot better than I thought it was gonna be. Time will tell. We had fun and got reaccuanted. Basicly got drunk and did funny shit (such as scan pictures of our assholes). His girl said that they decided to move here so that Cory (my best friend) could be around his bros. That's cool. I dont know. Im tired and need to eat some soup and go lay down with the love of my life. Speaking of...lately we've had some good love and the bond feels stronger. That makes me happy with every bit of my soul. Till next time kids...

That entry made me are so lucky

I won the custody case (last Thursday). Everything is shared unless Kim moves out of state. On Friday she told me she is moving. How can a human being abandon a child to go take care of dying grandparents she barely knows? If she leaves she has to pay me child support. The store is so bad i need to find a real job brfore it bleeds me to death. Kim is leaving March 31 and wil return in early June to take Sophi to CA for her 10 weeks she is alloted. During that time I hope to work my brains out. Keep biking. Dan