Havent been on here in a while. Alot has been going on. I got infected tonsils (it's still huge), I went to court and got put in a diversion program, my cable modem got shut off, then when it got turned on my computer was fucked. I cant check my email, log into msn explorer or msn messenger. It sucks. 90% of the reason I like the computer is for those things. We cant use ebay either. We can look, but we cant go to my ebay. If anyone knows shit about computers and can figure out why this would be happening to those particular sites...please tell me. For now Ill just be on internet explorer looking at bike shit. I love getting into stuff and starting projects. My newest project has been to figure out bike parts and how to build the bike I want. I stripped down my bike to the frame and now Im in the process of buying piece by piece to make a super-light fixed-gear bad ass city bike. I've been paying attention to the bike messenger's bikes and taking notes on how their bikes are built. I need to take some time to go skateboarding, cuz till my bike is built I dont have shit to do. Anyways, enough dorkin out on my end. What has everyone been up to round here?

If not your best bet is to call your internet company and they'll give you specific number to change on your modem
set up and after that it will be cake