In light of the emotional trauma I’ve been going through, I’d like to post something a bit more positive for a moment. Obviously it’s going to be a James McAvoy photo, and honestly...looking at him makes me feel slightly better. It was the same with Patrick until he left...looking at him made me feel a bit of happiness while being crushed by the weight of intense sadness and depression. James is an attractive man with beautiful piercing blue eyes, as well as a fantastic actor, and if looking at him a few moments a day makes me forget this pain for a second or two, then great.
I know I apologize a lot, but I’m sorry for how sad my blog can be at times. I shouldn’t be apologizing for being human, but it’s me. I’m working on it, but like every one of us on this planet, I’m a work in progress.’s another picture of everyone’s favorite Scottish actor. Talk to you all soon.
- Jaclyn