...texts me asking if I needed the cleaning products now and if she should deliver them early. I’m not passing up an early delivery so I say “yes, please!”
She shows up, and I recognize her from when she delivered groceries to me last time. Her bubbly and whimsical personality stuck with me, as it reminds me of Elizabeth.
Once she’s gone, I text her “hey, thanks again,” and she replies shortly after with an adorable text saying no problem, and says that I seem goal oriented. I laugh at this comment, but continue to text about my situation here talking about how much I hate clutter.
The conversation turns deep as we start relating to each other about anxiety and depression. I eventually say that I’m shocked that we’re still texting, as I normally just send a thank you and that’s it. I quickly clarify that I enjoy talking to her, and she gives me her number before the temp one for her delivery service cancels out.
We texted for a few minutes after that, and now I’m back to cleaning. Hoping it turns into a friendship, but even if it doesn’t, I’m still happy that it happened. 😊
- Jaclyn ❤️