I sent this text to my wonderful therapist and close friend, Alyssa, a few moments ago:
JACLYN, 34, brown hair, dark grey eyes, pale complexion, is seated at a table with her laptop open.
ALYSSA, a 5,000 year old demon in disguise as an angel, enters into Panera; the fires of hell entering with her that dissipate as fast as they appeared.
She sees Jaclyn. An evil smile crosses Alyssa’s face, her eyes flashing red for just a moment.
She approaches the table, and seats herself.
JACLYN: "Hi!!!"
ALYSSA: "Heyyyyy!"
JACLYN: "Before we start this session, I just want to let you know that I forgot the check. Can I bring it to the final session?"
Alyssa is silent, her friendly and welcoming smile still on her face.
JACLYN: "Wow, it's getting hot in here... I'll go ask them to turn the A/C up..."
Jaclyn starts to rise.
JACLYN: "Wow, someone's a little cranky, today."
She seats herself back down.
ALYSSA: "Sorry, I just...didn't eat...today..."
JACLYN: "Then get something. We're in a restaurant."
ALYSSA: "No that's fine. They don't sell what I eat."
JACLYN: "What do you eat?"
Alyssa glances in her purse and sees a bottle with the name "souls" written on the side; looks back up to Jaclyn.
ALYSSA: "S...Salads..."
JACLYN: "Oooookay... So is that okay about the check?"
ALYSSA: "Perfectly...fine..."
Awkward silence.
JACLYN: "Soooo...the session?"
ALYSSA: "Jaclyn...would you like to have more dreams of Elizabeth?"
ALYSSA: "Then bring the check next session or the dreams will continue."
JACLYN: "HA! It's not like you control my dreams."
ALYSSA: "Of course I don't...of course...I...don't..."
JACLYN: "Okay..."
ALYSSA: "Would you like to renew the contract on your soul-I mean-sessions with me?"
JACLYN: "Unfortunately, I can't..."
JACLYN: "Alyssa! I'm renewing! The dreams of Elizabeth won't stop!!! Now they're lucid! Give me the paper! I'll sign!"
ALYSSA: "Excellent. Bwahahahaha!"
- Jaclyn ❤️