i just don't feel like making a sensible journal entry so here is some random shit.
i wish i could win the lottery so i would never have to work another day in my life.
we have a kitten and she is a lot of work but fucking cute as hell.
i miss seeing my dog everyday.
i can't wait to get a place with the girlfriend again.
my car stereo sounds awesome now.
Hibiskiss is so fucking hot. ohmygod.
i wish i could win the lottery so i would never have to work another day in my life.
we have a kitten and she is a lot of work but fucking cute as hell.
i miss seeing my dog everyday.
i can't wait to get a place with the girlfriend again.
my car stereo sounds awesome now.
Hibiskiss is so fucking hot. ohmygod.
check your last journal, I made a comment for ya! and falling up the stairs blows especially when its in front of people...