I just want to punch the ever-loving hell out of someone's smug mug.
On a lighter note, I am getting married! Again! This time to a heterosexual woman that enjoys cock! That, I must say, is reason enough to celebrate with a few shots of vodka. Which I have already done, several times over...and over and over and over. But that's just how that fucking cookie crumbles. It crumbles right into a shot glass. Which I drink. Lesson over, test on the material tomorrow, failures will be subject to smug-mug punching.
Note: I do not subscribe to the mass hysteria of marriage. I know that happiness does not come from a ring, or a contract, or a person, or a bottle. I just want to have a family in tandem with this life of war. I am selfish and stupid, but I think I am at the point where I am able to juggle multiple lives and come out in the end with everything that the American dream has etched into the aim of my life's plans. It's the eye of the tiger.
On a more serious note, i aim ever onward and upward but have found myself spiraling in all directions other than onward and upward. Yesterday and last year play themselves out over and over again on the dark side of my eyelids every day. I say goodbye, and the reels keep rolling. I push harder, and they push right back. How in the name of Christ is a man supposed to lay dead dogs to rest when they keep howling and biting in the night?
If you can tell me the answer to that one, dear sirs/madams, I will buy you a coke.
(instagram) @sociopoliticopath
On a lighter note, I am getting married! Again! This time to a heterosexual woman that enjoys cock! That, I must say, is reason enough to celebrate with a few shots of vodka. Which I have already done, several times over...and over and over and over. But that's just how that fucking cookie crumbles. It crumbles right into a shot glass. Which I drink. Lesson over, test on the material tomorrow, failures will be subject to smug-mug punching.
Note: I do not subscribe to the mass hysteria of marriage. I know that happiness does not come from a ring, or a contract, or a person, or a bottle. I just want to have a family in tandem with this life of war. I am selfish and stupid, but I think I am at the point where I am able to juggle multiple lives and come out in the end with everything that the American dream has etched into the aim of my life's plans. It's the eye of the tiger.
On a more serious note, i aim ever onward and upward but have found myself spiraling in all directions other than onward and upward. Yesterday and last year play themselves out over and over again on the dark side of my eyelids every day. I say goodbye, and the reels keep rolling. I push harder, and they push right back. How in the name of Christ is a man supposed to lay dead dogs to rest when they keep howling and biting in the night?
If you can tell me the answer to that one, dear sirs/madams, I will buy you a coke.
(instagram) @sociopoliticopath
Big congrats on the engagement, that's wonderful.