I've been all over the place lately, and as ridiculous as it reads I think my dog just intuitively knows where my head is at. When I'm up he is all high-energy with me, and when I'm down he's ridiculously affectionate. He really is a man's best friend. And I learned that retail therapy is not just for women. I don't go clothes shopping (i HATE it, i just give my sister money and send her to get me shit to wear) but dropped a dime or two on a new lens for my camera, the Tamron 10-24mm ultra wide angle aspherical something something. Fuckin sweet. Also, some Kings of Leon albums and fried chicken from Raisin Cane's. My one junk food vice besides NOS energy drinks.
My estranged wife is coming to visit this week. Her profession is all fetish-related and I'm a little unclear on the details (mostly because I just don't ask) but she is taking me to the Atlanta DomCon. I need to check out the website and see if they allow picture taking... if they do, pics will definitely be following this up. "Relax inhibitions" is on my bucket list, and may just get checked off this week. She's got some pretty amazing friends... Eh, maybe I'll keep her.
Yeah, right.
I sold my xbox on amazon today, too. I think I'm like, a grown up now or something. I thought about cutting my hair and shaving, maybe putting on something other than a hoodie, but that's just too much for one day.
Also, as inconsequential as this is to you all, the cool weather has me sleeping like a baby now without the sleep meds. I was out for about 10 hours last night, and when I woke up the house was 62 degrees and abso-fucking-lutely wonderful, quiet, and comfortable.
I see the doc on Tuesday. Anyone on sweet pills let me know what you said to get them. I would forever be in your debt.
Peace...but not too much, and not in the Middle East, because then I'd be out of a job.
My estranged wife is coming to visit this week. Her profession is all fetish-related and I'm a little unclear on the details (mostly because I just don't ask) but she is taking me to the Atlanta DomCon. I need to check out the website and see if they allow picture taking... if they do, pics will definitely be following this up. "Relax inhibitions" is on my bucket list, and may just get checked off this week. She's got some pretty amazing friends... Eh, maybe I'll keep her.
Yeah, right.
I sold my xbox on amazon today, too. I think I'm like, a grown up now or something. I thought about cutting my hair and shaving, maybe putting on something other than a hoodie, but that's just too much for one day.
Also, as inconsequential as this is to you all, the cool weather has me sleeping like a baby now without the sleep meds. I was out for about 10 hours last night, and when I woke up the house was 62 degrees and abso-fucking-lutely wonderful, quiet, and comfortable.
I see the doc on Tuesday. Anyone on sweet pills let me know what you said to get them. I would forever be in your debt.
Peace...but not too much, and not in the Middle East, because then I'd be out of a job.

Thank you, hope things are going well with you since your trip to the doc?