You know I’ve been coming here for years and most of the time I’ll come with friends, or my sister, her husband and her kids come to enjoy the idea of swapping snow in Canada for the ocean and a pool in the back yard.
But every time I’m here in Florida I realize more and more how much I’m meant to be here. I love this home I rent a few times a year and although I don’t think I’ll have a million dollars for it anytime soon it sure is nice to rent for a week, two or three times a year. 😂 One day, I hope I’ll have someone special to bring here again. It would be nice to have adult fun in this beautiful place too.
I love these kids not just because they’re my blood, but one day I want my own kids to enjoy things like this with. Although I could do without them thinking I’m a jungle gym and killing my neck all day everyday but apparently the tall, tattooed, broad shouldered uncle means you just look fun to climb on, beg to be tossed in the air, tossed in the deep end, carried on your back sometimes three at a fact...I am so tired from entertaining these adorable little shits I can barely keep my eyes open. But, for now these are the moments I cherish most. One day I know I’ll make more with someone special of my own again, and little ones who are grumpy little shits just like me. Until then....I’m allowed to complain and at least be grateful that this isn’t my full time job of parenting these little hellions. 😂