Well I just finished the FINAL chapter of the Skywalker saga and man oh man...this will be a spoiler free review.
First off, the Rise of Skywalker is an absolute thrill ride from start to finish. This is by far the best of the new trilogy and it’s not even close. For reasons I cannot say because any descriptions or allusions to why would only spoil the fun for everyone to discover on their own.
If you had mixed feelings about the Last Jedi like I did, there will be so much satisfaction throughout this film to make up for anything you might’ve had a problem with.
This film will make you laugh, it will make you cheer, and it will make you cry...a lot. Over forty-two years worth of stories all culminating in this fantastic final film.
Please do yourself a favor and see this movie it not only exceeded my expectations but actually blew my mind how good it was. If you’re a casual Star Wars fan or a die hard fan, you’ll love the nods to EVERY Star Wars source material that has come
Before the Rise of Skywalker. Bravo JJ Abrams....BRAVO!