god, I was hoping if I didn't look at my page for a while I was sure to get a comment, apparently not. I guess I need to get out on SG more and make my precence known. C'mon people. LOVE ME! Shower me with comments and adoration! Maybe theres no messages for me becuase I'm boring. no new news here. Not much school left but much work to do. I keep having to redesign my apartment complex for class. grr. its time consuming. I grilled some steaks and burgers tonight, its been goreous weather the past few days. I love new seasons. by the time youre utterly sick of one, another one is on coming on. I'm trying to get an intership in VA so I can be with Melissa all summer. That would be great! wouldn't guys?! lets hear some love for fyrestarter if not for me. Well, I'll check back in a couple days to update my commentless page. (have I made it clear that I wish people would talk to me?)..... do I smell?
Give us more entries! (like I am one to talk) How's life? Love? Leisure?
I feel the same way. What's the point of writing if these so called "friends" don't comment?