How about a real journal entry. I'm sitting here in studio. I'm trying to draw a building detail I researched today, but i'm not sure how I want it. I know this prof is a real stickler for how you compose your page. You probably wouldn't guess it, but architects have to think really hard about how they draw their blueprints, how they put them on the paper, how and where they do section cuts, which details are necessary and which arent becuase that all takes time and money. Anyhow, I owe it to my brother to work. I said that I couldn't work on the cabin becuase I have some work to do here, so I better do some work. I guess thats the thing about creating something, you cant force it, or at least I cant force it. I'm a real thinker, everything I ever do I analyze way too many times, its amazing that I still screw up so much. I have accomplished a few things though, so I'm feeling better. I'm making some progress. Well, I need a smoke, then I should decide how I want to do this. Its getting late, maybe I should sleep on it? Later y'all.
More Blogs
Thursday Mar 24, 2005
Nothing new really... been working on my project for architecture, de… -
Monday Mar 14, 2005
Well, I'm off to another splendid spring break. I'm not doing anythin… -
Thursday Mar 10, 2005
I havn't updated in about a week. Nothing really exciting to say. I'v… -
Friday Mar 04, 2005
I just got back from getting my first tattoos done by Josh at Jaded A… -
Thursday Mar 03, 2005
I'm getting tatoos tomorrow, I'm excited and nervous. "No more virgin… -
Monday Feb 28, 2005
Well folks, Its been a while, and I'm happy to be back. Lets see, wha… -
Thursday Feb 24, 2005
Yes! I'm finally back! I'll update more later. its been quite a haul … -
Thursday Jan 06, 2005
Class starts on monday and I just finally got registered for classes.… -
Wednesday Jan 05, 2005
Q is my new favorite girl becuase her art thrills me. Sorry, but I ha… -
Monday Jan 03, 2005
Well, I know its been a while since I've updated, so I think I will. …
i'm sure you're very good at what you do.
have a good smoke and a good day,