Well I still have this shitty cold. But at least I'm not awake half the night hacking up lung butter anymore. I hate working second shift, I don't get to see anyone becuase I'm building trusses while they're getting drunk. But its the best paying job I've ever had, so call me a whore.
I'm growing a beard. I'm sure no one cares, but I do, so chill out. I'll have to shave it after a while anyways becuase I'll have patches missing. I have trichotillomania, i.e. I compulsively pull out my hair. Anyone else have trich? I would love to talk to someone about it. My family thinks I'm weird, my mom yells at me to stop it. I know shes trying to help, but I can't help it, it makes me angry when she does it becuase I would stop if I could will myself to do it. Its not even conscious most of the time. And I pull all my hair. It doesn't really hurt or anything, most of it. I leave most of my finger/toe knuckle hair alone becuase that shit really hurts when you pull it, and some of my facial hair really hurts. But my chin and mustache area, hairline, eyebrows I pull really bad. I pull all my other hair too though. Even pubic hair, nose hair, eyelashes. Whats the really compulsive shit is where I have almost this deep concentration where I look for the hairs that I know are about to fall out ( becuase your body naturally sheds hair all the time), I can actually spot the hairs that will come out if you just barely touch them. I can spend long amounts of time doing this. I guess thats why its call Obsessive Compulsive Disorder/ Impulse Control Disorder.
Well there you go, fun little factoid about me.
I'm growing a beard. I'm sure no one cares, but I do, so chill out. I'll have to shave it after a while anyways becuase I'll have patches missing. I have trichotillomania, i.e. I compulsively pull out my hair. Anyone else have trich? I would love to talk to someone about it. My family thinks I'm weird, my mom yells at me to stop it. I know shes trying to help, but I can't help it, it makes me angry when she does it becuase I would stop if I could will myself to do it. Its not even conscious most of the time. And I pull all my hair. It doesn't really hurt or anything, most of it. I leave most of my finger/toe knuckle hair alone becuase that shit really hurts when you pull it, and some of my facial hair really hurts. But my chin and mustache area, hairline, eyebrows I pull really bad. I pull all my other hair too though. Even pubic hair, nose hair, eyelashes. Whats the really compulsive shit is where I have almost this deep concentration where I look for the hairs that I know are about to fall out ( becuase your body naturally sheds hair all the time), I can actually spot the hairs that will come out if you just barely touch them. I can spend long amounts of time doing this. I guess thats why its call Obsessive Compulsive Disorder/ Impulse Control Disorder.
Well there you go, fun little factoid about me.
i wrote about the Marriage Amendment...asking the members of SG to sign a petition (opposing the amendment) that you can find at Plannedparenthood.com, or now.org. i feel that it is completely insane that government officials were attempting to write discrimination into our constitution!! fuckers!!
you know...i often wake up in the middle of the night pulling and twisting sections of my hair. i have never understood why i do it. it is totally random. but i don't think that i actually pull any hair out of my head. so is your hair pulling thing unconscious? even your pubes? ouch!!
take care!