My new profile pic: I'm totally wasted there, if my barely open eyes didn't give that away.

It snowed so much last night, I love it. My brother and some freinds and I had the best snowball fight. I pegged everyone there in the head. I wasn't throwing it hard and the snow wasnt packing real well so it didn't hurt, it was just hilarious...
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Welcome back! kiss
Like the new profile pic kiss
Just got back from Thanksgiving Break. What a nice break, I slept in, went adventuring through a rock quarry, and got a meditation lesson from a buddhist monk. And the food! We went to my step dads parents for thanksgiving, which is great becuase thats a good eating farm family. We deep fat fried two turkeys for 5 people, and there wasn't any left overs...
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You know what? (but keep it a secret!) I actually have a pair... They're really short and witout the thingie that goes over the belly, but I never wear them cos they don't fit right. Pssst!
Ah, snow...I wish we had some of it here. We only have the cold. And sleet. And ugliness.
Just got back from Thanksgiving Break. What a nice break, I slept in, went adventuring through a rock quarry, and got a meditation lesson from a buddhist monk. And the food! We went to my step dads parents for thanksgiving, which is great becuase thats a good eating farm family. We deep fat fried two turkeys for 5 people, and there wasn't any left overs...
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Just got back from Thanksgiving Break. What a nice break, I slept in, went adventuring through a rock quarry, and got a meditation lesson from a buddhist monk. And the food! We went to my step dads parents for thanksgiving, which is great becuase thats a good eating farm family. We deep fat fried two turkeys for 5 people, and there wasn't any left overs...
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My left ear is still ringing from standing to close to a speaker at a show last night. I went to see a couple friends play last night with a couple other bands at the Practice Space. First I'd like to talk about the Practice Space. Its in the old mainstreet portion of town above a beauty shop. My brother and I walked in and...
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nothing more delicious than the smell of fried rats
Welcome to the BCB group sir biggrin
The weather has turned for the worse. In one week we've had 70 degree weather, a tornado, and 3 inches of snow and ice. I'm not excited at all about working the taco cart tommoree, its going to be cold and shitty, and no not many people are wandering the street and buying food when its that cold. Not much excitement around lately, actually...
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Chump, eh? Put-em-up, put-em-up... wink tongue kiss
(cracks nuckles dramatically)
Look who's back. I had assumed my account was closed and hadn't used it in forever, but thanks to the ever lovely Fyrestarter I am back. Now I must undertake rekindling some friendships, but I am so happy to be back. I have some wonderfully long and complex stories to tell. Well my friends, stop by and say hello.

Chickenfuckers! Buck-gaw!
Tee hee, thats maybe not even such a bad idea - in theorie! Have you ever tried controlling ferrets? biggrin
Well, the pics I have of them in my stuff are the best I could find. That does tell something about their ability to hold still for photos....usually you get like an ear or a tail. But that beastmaster idea is still pretty funny, I'm keeping it in mind! wink
god, I was hoping if I didn't look at my page for a while I was sure to get a comment, apparently not. I guess I need to get out on SG more and make my precence known. C'mon people. LOVE ME! Shower me with comments and adoration! Maybe theres no messages for me becuase I'm boring. no new news here. Not much school left...
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Give us more entries! (like I am one to talk) How's life? Love? Leisure?
I feel the same way. What's the point of writing if these so called "friends" don't comment? whatever
Nothing new really... been working on my project for architecture, designing apartment building and units. I may be getting fired from my job at the movie theater, I had 2 missed days this week, it was an accident but thats not cool, so its no hard feelings. Well later.
Well, I'm off to another splendid spring break. I'm not doing anything special, yet again. I'm trying to get caught up on school work. My birthday begins in about 15 minutes. I kind of miss the days when you looked forward to your birthday for weeks. My mom used to always wake me up and call me birthday boy, and make me a nice breakfast...
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Happy Birthday!! kiss
The scary thing is that I have that album from when it was released back in 2001. My old roommate and I used to play it all the time. I haven't listened to it in years though. I guess I should try to dust it off and see if it's gotten any less cheesy. -dave
I havn't updated in about a week. Nothing really exciting to say. I've been slinging popcorn like crazy at the theater. I've been rather depressed and missing lots of school. Thats about it really. Oh well. Talk to you all later.
Do you have any big birthday plans?
Surely you have marvelous plans for the big 23! The good thing about being 23 is that it is an odd-year birthday. I always preferred 15,17,19,21,23 to 16,18,20,22,etc. I always felt like it was a year older than the big milestones (16,18). How's that for fucked up thinking? -dave
I just got back from getting my first tattoos done by Josh at Jaded Angel 2 in Ames, Iowa. Josh was great, and they look great, I'm happy. It didn't hurt nearly as bad as I thought. I thought I was gonna have to grit my teeth for a few hours, but most of the time it felt pretty good actually, sometimes it hurt a...
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Thanks. Happy future birthday to you too. -dave
lookin' good! love kiss