A bomb ass episode, and now we got to wait a month to find out what happens next! Why God Why? Ok end of rant

do you watch the flash aswell? also a great programme!
Every week I catch em on hulu

Its been 17 straight days at work, i keep showing up there it would be nice to see a day off soon. That might take a couple of more weeks but then taking an epic summer road trip to Illinois for a rock music festival (THE ROCKSTAR UPROAR MUSIC FESTIVAL) . That should kick some serious ass. Sharknado 2 premieres tonight on SyFy for those...
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In celebration of the cinematic master piece sharknado 2; SYFY has every awful shark movie ever made. Its like a train wreck but I can't stop watching!

Hahahah I watched it too on syfy! Terrible. y good! haha
Right. From SciFi to SyFy.  From Children Of Dune to Sharks On A plane (or whatever) and WRESTLING.  WRESTLING.  this year they might deliver with The Expanse, Killjoys, and other promising real science fiction.  Suck. They mostly suck

Black Friday deals got me. I work 3-11 most of the time so prime time show are are out, and i refuse to pay for cable for that reason. However, I found six seasons of Big Band Theory which I have been tearing through since Sunday. The show is hilarious but I can't get the theme song out of my head and the shoes tractor...
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It's Thursday, It's Thursday and tomorrow is Friday. I graduated in December and I'm still searching for quality employment. Its the first decent day in a while that the weather gods haven't completely ravaged. The plan is to go see the hangover 2 tonite. (if anybody's seen it let me know how it was).

Job hunting in a shitty economy is not easy! How long does it take to print a diploma? It's been almost 2 months i don't think it can be that hard or intensive to print one damn piece of paper. It will be valentine's day in roughly 20 minutes, but being single its just another monday!
Ok its the 3rd of January in the year 2008. I have a question, where the fuck are the flying cars and hover boards. I saw Back to the Future II, I know that shit should be here by now. Other than gripping about shit the world doesnt have yet I got nothing. Its only day 3 of the new year and i was hung...
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