Hahaha haven't updated since 8/10/05 (or was it '04?). lol What a pisser I am!!!! Halloween weekend was awesome. Went out both Friday and Saturday nights (Wooooaaaah!!! lol). Friday was a limo trip to the Whiskey in Hollywood to see Trust in Blood. Saturday was at a house with a stripper pole & about 120 people including one fully nude dancer who was a pro but was also an acquaintance (she wasn't paid to be there - she was just partyin' like the rest of us). Saw around 15 - 20 people I hadn't seen in a year. Wish I could find more time to hang out with that crew like I did in '03!!! Who knows; maybe in '06.


In case I don't get the chance before the big day, have a great Christmas

Happy new year. I hope its a good one.