So far this year has not been such a good one for partying. Haven't gotten drunk since NYE. Ahhh, but the year is still young...
Two days ago had a re-treatment on my right eye (laser surgery). Am in some pain now. So no surfing for 12 more days. Prolly will do the left eye in a couple months.
Looked at Mini's again today at...
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Two days ago had a re-treatment on my right eye (laser surgery). Am in some pain now. So no surfing for 12 more days. Prolly will do the left eye in a couple months.
Looked at Mini's again today at...
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Hahaha haven't updated since 8/10/05 (or was it '04?). lol What a pisser I am!!!! Halloween weekend was awesome. Went out both Friday and Saturday nights (Wooooaaaah!!! lol). Friday was a limo trip to the Whiskey in Hollywood to see Trust in Blood. Saturday was at a house with a stripper pole & about 120 people including one fully nude dancer who was a pro...
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In case I don't get the chance before the big day, have a great Christmas

Happy new year. I hope its a good one.
Why is it that I never have anything to say? Everyone else always seems to...Oh, well, who cares.
I wanna win the lotto.
I wanna finally figure out how to upload pics.
I wanna take some pics (new).
I want 27; no, 28 hours in every day.
Surfing is awesome!!! No, playing in the ocean is awesome. Being at the beach is awesome; surfing...
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I wanna win the lotto.
I wanna finally figure out how to upload pics.
I wanna take some pics (new).
I want 27; no, 28 hours in every day.
Surfing is awesome!!! No, playing in the ocean is awesome. Being at the beach is awesome; surfing...
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where teh hell are u?????? i miss u!!!!! xoxoooo

I was wondering if you are still around and how things are going for you. Speak up if you are here.
I'm (by choice) on this new work schedule thing where I sleep during the day & work at night. It won't last but right now it seems less stressful. I try to live a stress-free lifestyle...hahahahaha
yeah i'll be getting a settlement but not until my arm is healed and all. =)
How are you getting on with the new work hours?
Ok, ok, ok...Gonna have the laser eye surgery this Friday. Should be a walk in the park with a piece of cake compared to the last surgery. Also I got to surf for six days last week (enjoyed it; but no more 4 awhile now). I used my brand new wetsuit & felt like a complete idiot for not buying one six months ago...what a...
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you are back.. u were grey for a while. hhahaha
I remember talking to an optician a long time ago and he described how the eye surgery is much better if the correction for short sight is small.
I did feel very disapointed when he told that I would go long sighted as I grow older. I imagined that I would get normal vision again, so surely I should go form being short sighted to normal and then long sighted? He explained that is not how it works
The good news is that I should be able to get good vision from eye surgery, but I would need to spend a two to three thousand dollars of my own money
Anyway, I was Wind Surfing the other day, for the first time in many years. It would be great not to need glasses for sports.
P.S. I hope the other eye operation goes well.
I did feel very disapointed when he told that I would go long sighted as I grow older. I imagined that I would get normal vision again, so surely I should go form being short sighted to normal and then long sighted? He explained that is not how it works

The good news is that I should be able to get good vision from eye surgery, but I would need to spend a two to three thousand dollars of my own money

Anyway, I was Wind Surfing the other day, for the first time in many years. It would be great not to need glasses for sports.
P.S. I hope the other eye operation goes well.
Ok, so I had the nose/facial cosmetic surgery done and now it's time to get the laser eye surgery. Great, four more weeks of not being able to surf. Damn it...
I think God shortchanged me. How come I have to pay all this money to get things that most other people are given free at birth? When I get to heaven someday, I want...
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I think God shortchanged me. How come I have to pay all this money to get things that most other people are given free at birth? When I get to heaven someday, I want...
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well, I guess sg constitutes me makin money off my looks, but I was talkin abt .. like, REAL amounts of money, hahah
cyber sex.. mmm. it is still by meself.. hahah..

Fuck. It's time to update my journal again, and I have nothing to say. Fuck. Having surgery on May 10. Getting a new nose, among other things. Wish me luck. Hope I wake up from it. lol
Happy birthday to You!!!! *takes off shirt* have a gerat day!!!!!

Happy birthday.

Something I'm learning recently is how to look at situations in my life without emotion. How to look at things devoid of emotion. It's very helpful with decision making.
I once heard a saying: "Feelings are not like faucets that you can turn on and off." At the time I agreed but now I think feelings can be willfully changed; although not necessarily as easily...
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I once heard a saying: "Feelings are not like faucets that you can turn on and off." At the time I agreed but now I think feelings can be willfully changed; although not necessarily as easily...
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um, hablo poquito espanol, pero no entiendo todo que las chicas hablar... or something like that. lol. i probably totally butchered that, but i dotn care!

I'm still in love. No, it hasn't blown up in my face yet. Am I gonna get married? We talk about it, actually. Still can't believe it. All that matters is that I'm very, very happy right now. In extacy, even. I'm gonna enjoy it while I can.

Thats awesome... I'm kinda in the same situation too.. hope things stay great for the both of us.
And Thanks for the comment about my new profile pic!

And Thanks for the comment about my new profile pic!


I'm in love. Can't believe it. Maybe I'll tell more later.

I'm in love too, yay!
My stomach hurts.
This is how I felt yesterday. Thank God it didn't last.
I feel as though I'm being uncontrollably drawn into a dark corridor.
I don't want to enter but I cannot stop.
It is inevitable.
I must enter.
There is no light at the other end.
The only comfort is no comfort: that I have been down this corridor many, many times before....
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I feel as though I'm being uncontrollably drawn into a dark corridor.
I don't want to enter but I cannot stop.
It is inevitable.
I must enter.
There is no light at the other end.
The only comfort is no comfort: that I have been down this corridor many, many times before....
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Down days are no good, but the SG photosets should bring back your lust for life.

who knew i was so fickle
which means i can change my mind any time.. my rule

which means i can change my mind any time.. my rule

I feel connected to everything around me. For example, I feel connected to a rock I see laying on the ground. Why? Because the rock is made of atoms & molecules, and so am I. The rock exists in space and time, and so do I. The rock is located on planet earth, etc.
Hopefully this doesn't sound too weird. Does anyone else feel this...
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Hopefully this doesn't sound too weird. Does anyone else feel this...
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I have no one to cuddle up with.. .. anyway, dry well i have a real pimpin' hat to keep the hair dry.. *no wet hair*.. yeah i miss u when u dont keep in touch..

It's good to hear from you. Last Friday the SGUK girls did a show in walking distance from my flat and I got to go to their private party.
That was great fun, but now it's a Sunday and I have work tomorrow
Hope all is well with you.
That was great fun, but now it's a Sunday and I have work tomorrow

Hope all is well with you.
Good luck with the Mini, they do look like good cars. In fact, my first car was a Mini (an old style one) and that was good fun to drive.
Party on