My God. Every once in a while you come across an SG, or a set that totally knocks you on your ass. Since @turtle put this one out, "Life on Mars?," I have been back to it several times. Besides her absolute sex appeal, gorgeous eyes, and that naughty suggestive nature of her facial expression in this set, I have to say I think it is a combination of those hot fucking foot shots, the brilliant red locks, and those BANGS! There's also the lovely pale of her skin. My only complaint? I wish we could have seen much more of her lady parts. Hey, I'm a pussy guy. What can I say? But surely the other things in this set made up for it hands down. This is probably one of my favorite sets on the site to date, and truly hope there is a LOT more of her to come. Hats off to @turtle and @mikespeijk for a truly awesome set that perks me up every time I gaze at it.