Hello sweet treats,
I am in the mode of getting rid of stuff. Tis the time for shedding of old skins it seems. I have managed to free myself from the burden of much of my furniture. It feels soooooo good to have space around me. I love having a minimalist kind of lifestyle. Dont get me wrong, I adore stuff. The kitschier the better. But I don't enjoy the upkeep of it. Like the arranging and the cleaning. It used to drive me mad when people came over and started playing with all my stuff inevitably damaging it. Then theyd get pissed off when I told them to leave my stuff alone. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr. But hey, now I don't have to put up with that anymore. Cause I don't have stuff for them to destroy.
I still have allot I want to get rid off. But these things are small and fiddley. Like papers and small toys and junk. So, I know itll take just a while longer to be completely free. Ah, just thinking about it makes me smile.
The first day the house was empty some friends came over for a couple of drinks that evening. They had intentionally dragged along a few of their friends just so they could see this cool little pad called pucci. They rang the door bell ..... excitedly I flung the door open to reveal the new Spartan Pucci. They all had this strange look of shock, disappointment and what the..... smeared across there face. And in unison they all let out one big NOoooooooooo ... what have you done with all your fun stuff. One of the girls seemed to be visibly perplexed as she ran from room to room surveying the damage. I don't think any of them understood the feeling of freedom that this new living arrangement gave me. To tell you the truth I was actually quite cuffed with myself to see there disappointment. Is that bad of me? Not once in all the time they had been visiting my house did any of them ever tell me that they thought it was cool or comfortable or fun or whatever it was that they had enjoyed about it. I dont think they fully appreciated the trouble i had gone to to create a fun, relaxing and comfortable environment for there enjoyment. So .......... what can I say but fuck em. Im doing things for me now. What makes me comfortable. What gives me freedom in my life and opens my mind to new possibilities. Without all this shit around me I have so much more space and time to do the things I want with my time. YAY!!!!!!
Im convinced this is a year of change. Even if it isn't Im gonna make it so!
Ps, Im reading The Mummy by Anne Rice. Not one of her best novels but still enjoyable. Ive read all of her books bar one of the Vampire Chronicles. Have to say it ..... she should never have let them turn her books into movies (compared to the books they suck massively). And what was she thinking having Tom Cruise play Lestat. Yuck!
Pps, I have found the best soap. If you live in Australia then youll know the brand Natures Organics. Its all natural and suprisingly cheap. They have this soap out for all us chocoholics called Chocolate Truffle. Its is soooooooo good. So good that they have a sign on the front telling you not to eat it! After using it I have this overwhelming urge to lick myself. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM.
last note: We made the best cake ever. Get pancake mix. Make about 11 pancakes let the cool stack the pancakes spreading a layer of fresh cream and jam of your choice as you go and then once finished cover with huge amounts of cream until and decorate with your fav fruit or berries. Then proceed to eat until your eyes bug out of your head and like me you have to run and put a pair of baggy pants on. Boy do I love winter. Feed me ..... feed me .... FEED MEEEEEE Mwah hahahahahah!
Huge overwhelming amounts of love.

I am in the mode of getting rid of stuff. Tis the time for shedding of old skins it seems. I have managed to free myself from the burden of much of my furniture. It feels soooooo good to have space around me. I love having a minimalist kind of lifestyle. Dont get me wrong, I adore stuff. The kitschier the better. But I don't enjoy the upkeep of it. Like the arranging and the cleaning. It used to drive me mad when people came over and started playing with all my stuff inevitably damaging it. Then theyd get pissed off when I told them to leave my stuff alone. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr. But hey, now I don't have to put up with that anymore. Cause I don't have stuff for them to destroy.
I still have allot I want to get rid off. But these things are small and fiddley. Like papers and small toys and junk. So, I know itll take just a while longer to be completely free. Ah, just thinking about it makes me smile.
The first day the house was empty some friends came over for a couple of drinks that evening. They had intentionally dragged along a few of their friends just so they could see this cool little pad called pucci. They rang the door bell ..... excitedly I flung the door open to reveal the new Spartan Pucci. They all had this strange look of shock, disappointment and what the..... smeared across there face. And in unison they all let out one big NOoooooooooo ... what have you done with all your fun stuff. One of the girls seemed to be visibly perplexed as she ran from room to room surveying the damage. I don't think any of them understood the feeling of freedom that this new living arrangement gave me. To tell you the truth I was actually quite cuffed with myself to see there disappointment. Is that bad of me? Not once in all the time they had been visiting my house did any of them ever tell me that they thought it was cool or comfortable or fun or whatever it was that they had enjoyed about it. I dont think they fully appreciated the trouble i had gone to to create a fun, relaxing and comfortable environment for there enjoyment. So .......... what can I say but fuck em. Im doing things for me now. What makes me comfortable. What gives me freedom in my life and opens my mind to new possibilities. Without all this shit around me I have so much more space and time to do the things I want with my time. YAY!!!!!!
Im convinced this is a year of change. Even if it isn't Im gonna make it so!
Ps, Im reading The Mummy by Anne Rice. Not one of her best novels but still enjoyable. Ive read all of her books bar one of the Vampire Chronicles. Have to say it ..... she should never have let them turn her books into movies (compared to the books they suck massively). And what was she thinking having Tom Cruise play Lestat. Yuck!
Pps, I have found the best soap. If you live in Australia then youll know the brand Natures Organics. Its all natural and suprisingly cheap. They have this soap out for all us chocoholics called Chocolate Truffle. Its is soooooooo good. So good that they have a sign on the front telling you not to eat it! After using it I have this overwhelming urge to lick myself. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM.
last note: We made the best cake ever. Get pancake mix. Make about 11 pancakes let the cool stack the pancakes spreading a layer of fresh cream and jam of your choice as you go and then once finished cover with huge amounts of cream until and decorate with your fav fruit or berries. Then proceed to eat until your eyes bug out of your head and like me you have to run and put a pair of baggy pants on. Boy do I love winter. Feed me ..... feed me .... FEED MEEEEEE Mwah hahahahahah!
Huge overwhelming amounts of love.

So you're getting broadband huh? I'm seriously considering it .. I don't have the net at all lately. I'm at an internet cafe right now. The guy next to me is sitting too close, you'd think we were dating or something... geez..
Hope you're good .. And change is good.