(Above is a pic of MGF. People confuse me with the girl in pig tails. The guy laying down in his undies is the one who stole my friend. He looked very different on the night...somewhat unwell.)
This weekend started of on a fantastic high note. My beautiful friend Tasch came bounding up the stairs late friday afternoon bareing gifts. She bought us early Xmas prezzies -two tickets to see one of my fav Aussie bands Machine gun fellatio. Cool name and way cool band. So we got all dressed up then liquored up in preparation for a big night out. There was 3 bands on the bill. Unfortunately we missed the Spazzies and Butterfingers and only made it with minutes to spare before MGF began to play.
This band is way way way wonderful. Every member is dressed up to the 9s in fabulous costumes. Accompanied on stage by a burlesque dancer shimming around the stage in a flurry of feathers and sequins. I was in awe! As we got there late the dance floor was completely packed, fortunately for me I wore my platforms which shoot me up to a nice 6 foot 3, enabling me to see over any crowd. Unfortunately for Tasch she didnt have that kind of advantage so we elbowed our way to the front of the crowd. Being the empathetic person I am I spent the first 15 minutes or so crouching down so others behind me could enjoy the show. But that soon wore off and in no time we were both jumping around being the complete idiots we always are. During the show the lead female singer and the dancer get there kit of and bounce around flashing there bits at the audience. I tried to take some pics but the security guard positioned at my right kept on putting his hand over my lens to stop me. Bastard. At one point the lead singer asked him to stop getting in my way and from then on I had free rane to click away as much as i liked. Unfortunately the nudity had finished so I missed out. BLAH! I still got some cool pics though, so I was happy. After the show, we got to chat to the band for a bit. And I got a little concerned when my friend was whisked of by a band member who looked a little seedy. Tasch in my opinion is way out of this guys league but he is in a band so somehow that changes things......NOT. Anyway she ran off, I got worried and spent the night on the look out, in between dancing, bantering and drinking. I found her later and all was well so I could relax a little bit more. Its funny cause people always think we are members of this particular band and stop us in pubs to get autographs and such. And even with the actual band on the premisses it didnt stop people from trying to get me to sign there shirts. Someone even asked me while the keyboardist was standing right next to me, but failed to recognise HIM.......soooooo funny.
Saturday was very chilled out ( had a hangover again). We made dinner for some friends and watched rocky horror picture show. As they had never seen it before we thought we should enlighten them. Now I have a crush on Tim Curry again. It happen every time I watch that film. Dont dream it be it is my new mantra. And I cant stop thinking even smiling makes my face ache

We spent sunday laying in front of the tv watching documentaries. I stayed in my kimono all day and didnt bother to get dressed. It was raining out side so it made for the perfect lazy day in.
All in all this weekend was nice, very nice indeed!
Here's to hoping next weekend is even better. Oh almost forgot we have a 30th birthday to go to and haven't RSVPed yet. God, all my friends are getting old. Apart from all the young ones that make me feel old. Hehehehe I had an 18 year old tell me I looked 22, awww so sweet. I told him to quit hitting on me cause he was a baby and not to mention Im married. He then said What are you talking about you cant be more than 2 or 3 years older than me. I just laughed to myself and walked away. Oh to be young again!
Hope you are all well, big hugs and smooshes.

holy fuck... i was wondering who the hell was in limbo and came out and randomly commented on ME!
guess i should congratulate ya
hey it aint my fault every chick i ever see with a halfway nice rack anywhere near my old age
is totally taken.....
oh, and i like the name change dear....its feels fitting for some unexplainable reason. *hugs*