Ok, I'v been a little slack with updateing my journal, but I have a good excuse. I'v been working on a new businesss and have been very busy. There is still much to be done, which is tough, cause we are both lazy sods.
This is our 5th business venture so far, and in my humble opinion the best. Even though all the others where successfull, we tend to be fickle creatures and always want for something new and more exciting. I suppose some might say was are suckers for punishment, but I much prefer to descibe ourselves is having a keen entrpreneurial spirit.
This business excites me as it invovles all the things we enjoy and seem to be good at. We get to conbine both our design and artistic background with our sales experience(bla
) Only this time we are wholesaling not retailing
. Which is GREAT cause customers can drive a girl to insanity. Anyway, soon we'll be up and running and I can't wait. Seting up is always the worst , it just takes sooo long.
Just for the fun of it, I sat down the other day and wrote a list of all the things funky and i have done over the years to earn a crust. I was blown away by the variety and amount of things two people could do in such a short time. The list goes something like this: Band photographer, clown, stilt walker, face painter, balloon sculptur, fire and knife juggler, sound enginer, retail manager, student, street performer, sign writer, graphic designer, fashion designer, entertainment company owner, working at music festivals retailing, printmaker, artist, manufacturer and retail store owner x 2.
It made me wonder what you guys may have done over the years in search of the all mighty dollar? I'm sure the list would have to be a diverse and interesting one.
Ps, Right now, as you read this, what can you hear in the background?
Talk later MWAH
This is our 5th business venture so far, and in my humble opinion the best. Even though all the others where successfull, we tend to be fickle creatures and always want for something new and more exciting. I suppose some might say was are suckers for punishment, but I much prefer to descibe ourselves is having a keen entrpreneurial spirit.
This business excites me as it invovles all the things we enjoy and seem to be good at. We get to conbine both our design and artistic background with our sales experience(bla

Just for the fun of it, I sat down the other day and wrote a list of all the things funky and i have done over the years to earn a crust. I was blown away by the variety and amount of things two people could do in such a short time. The list goes something like this: Band photographer, clown, stilt walker, face painter, balloon sculptur, fire and knife juggler, sound enginer, retail manager, student, street performer, sign writer, graphic designer, fashion designer, entertainment company owner, working at music festivals retailing, printmaker, artist, manufacturer and retail store owner x 2.
It made me wonder what you guys may have done over the years in search of the all mighty dollar? I'm sure the list would have to be a diverse and interesting one.

Ps, Right now, as you read this, what can you hear in the background?
Talk later MWAH

So, yeah "drawing Blood" had a little to much blood and puss for my taste, so I'm looking forward to "lost Souls" especially if it has less of that.
As for our marriage, we have been married 5 years now, and like you two, we have no kids. Actually we don't really want kids at all, if we change our minds later in life we most likely would adopt rather then have our own. WE figure there are too many people in the world as it is. We are both Vegetarians well until last year when we started eating fish. The Omegas are important for treating my wife's Arthritis. I haven't eaten an animal since 1996 and Mz Juno106 was raised Vegetarian.
OK now to reply to your journal entry above....
Wow you two have done allot, sorta sounds like you could open a circus if you wanted too. We've done many things as well... make up artist for music video's, theater manager, hair dresser, retail work, delivery driving, DJ, Animator, worked for a super computer start up, record producer, bar tender, freelance graphic design, and sound engineer. I"m sure I'm missing a few.
Sounds I hear right now: Truck moter running out side with the occasional back up beeping sound, wind chimes, , large boat horns in the distance, slight noise of a jet, and the buzz of this computers fan.
and I agree Ian Wright does Rock! I haven't seen a new Lonely Planet in yonks..