I am so over people.
Working in the customer service industry is driving me mad.
I'm not a very chipper person at the best of times. So having to smile at every person who walks in the door all day and seem interested in them, their day, life, wants, needs, health issues, family, bowl movements and whatever else flits around in their inane little heads is maddening.
I'd love to go sit on a mountain or a beach or in a field all by myself for a couple of weeks. Not seeing a person. Not saying a word. Just breathing, sleeping, waking, walking, looking, touching, being me, being with me and not being obligated to anyone or anything.
Seulement dans mes reves.
Working in the customer service industry is driving me mad.
I'm not a very chipper person at the best of times. So having to smile at every person who walks in the door all day and seem interested in them, their day, life, wants, needs, health issues, family, bowl movements and whatever else flits around in their inane little heads is maddening.
I'd love to go sit on a mountain or a beach or in a field all by myself for a couple of weeks. Not seeing a person. Not saying a word. Just breathing, sleeping, waking, walking, looking, touching, being me, being with me and not being obligated to anyone or anything.
Seulement dans mes reves.
When I first joined there were less than 300 SGs and you could recognise every one of them. It's kind of naive to think that they would not want to expand it (much as they like to emphasise the community aspect of it it's still a business). I would like to see SG showing more sets from existing SGs rather than constantly having new sets by new SGs. Iggy is very vocal about how the changes of the years have devalued the place and she feels girls now are not treated in a way they should be. I'm not on that side of it so can't really judge but when the site first started they would be reliant on the girls to make the thing a success and now it must be pretty easy to maintain and the power is held with the people who run it. Inevitably there is lots of fawning over SGs from members but that goes with the territory and hell I'm probably guilty myself at times.
Saying that the quality of the photography is excellent, it's become a lot more user-friendly in navigating around and I still think it's a cool site. One of the main reasons I left before was falling out with a lot of the people connected with SGUK so as long as I keep away from that I should be fine! What's your take on the direction of the site?
Oh and I love your blog layouts very visual and involving