Foud this quiz from an SG member, though id let people get to know me better
Q1) Sleep with or without clothes on?
clothes, For some reasons i at least need my boxerbriefs on.
Q2) Prefer black or blue pens?
I go with what i can find around my house.
Q3) Dress up on Halloween?
Yes, i dont want to get arrested for nudity on my sacred holiday.
Q4) Like to travel?
Yes, but i still have'nt done it yet.
Q5) Like someone?
A customer from work, and i just can't get myself to ask her out
Q6) Do they know?
Im not sure?
Q7) Who sleeps with you every night?
my spider-man blanket and my pillows
Q8) Think your attractive?
Q9) Want to get married?
nope, unless the girl i loves really wants to have a wedding.
Q10) To who?
skip this question.
Q11) Are you a good student?
Im a good student of Life.
Q12) Are you currently happy?
99% of ther time im happy.
anything in general, our lives is what we make of it.
Q13) Have you ever cheated?
on a few test, never on any girls.
Q14) Birthplace?
Montreal,Qc.Canada 1:14am
Q15) Christmas or Halloween?
Q16) Colored or black-and-white photo?
Color, they bring out my eyes
Q17) Do long distance relationships work?
Q18) Do you believe in God?
nope, but i hear he believes in me.
Q19) Do you believe in love?
Im starting to lose my belief on that one.
Q20) Do you consider yourself the life of the party?
yes, but don't take my word for it, come at the next one
Q21) Do you drink?
when i do, its not pretty,(just read previous post on my night out)
Q22) Do you make fun of people?
only my friends.
Q23) Do you think dreams eventually come true?
Yes, but you have to help those dreams along and get off your butt.
Q24) Favorite fictional character?
Q25) Go to the movies or rent?
Q26) Have you ever moved?
My god, it was my nightmare when i was a child, we moved almost every year, sometimes twice a year
Q27) What's up?
the sky.
Q28) How's the weather right now?
ver warm tonight,the good kind of weather.
Q29) Last time you cut your hair?
5 years ago, ive been shaving it ever since.
Q30) Last person you talked to on the phone?
my friend lynn.
Q32) Loud or soft music?
depends on my mood.
Q33) Mcdonalds or Burger King?
A&W all the way.
Q34) Night or day?
Day, let the sunshine in baby!!
Q35) Number of pillows?
Q36) Piano or guitar?
Q37) Future job?
Massagetherapist/social worker for kids, the good kind.
Q38) Current job?
Coffe agent
Q39) Current thought?
i dont want to go to work tomorrow morning.
Q40) Current longing?
To have a suicide girl by my side.
Q41) Current disappointment?
To not have a suicide girl by my side.
Q42) Current annoyance?
Do i need to say it.
Q43) Last thing you ate?
Sushi, and it was damn good.
Q44) Last thing you bought?
Snacks for my friends
Q45) Most recent thing you are looking foward to?
Having my paycheck this week, so i can go out.
Q46) What are you wearing right now?
my comfy pants.
Q47) Plans for the weekend?
Same as usual,Roleplaying, L.A.R.P and going out.
Q48) What did you do today?
went to visit some friends.
Q50) Ever been drunk?
Yes, and no one took advantage of me.

Q1) Sleep with or without clothes on?
clothes, For some reasons i at least need my boxerbriefs on.
Q2) Prefer black or blue pens?
I go with what i can find around my house.
Q3) Dress up on Halloween?
Yes, i dont want to get arrested for nudity on my sacred holiday.
Q4) Like to travel?
Yes, but i still have'nt done it yet.
Q5) Like someone?
A customer from work, and i just can't get myself to ask her out
Q6) Do they know?
Im not sure?
Q7) Who sleeps with you every night?
my spider-man blanket and my pillows
Q8) Think your attractive?
Q9) Want to get married?
nope, unless the girl i loves really wants to have a wedding.
Q10) To who?
skip this question.
Q11) Are you a good student?
Im a good student of Life.
Q12) Are you currently happy?
99% of ther time im happy.
anything in general, our lives is what we make of it.
Q13) Have you ever cheated?
on a few test, never on any girls.
Q14) Birthplace?
Montreal,Qc.Canada 1:14am
Q15) Christmas or Halloween?
Q16) Colored or black-and-white photo?
Color, they bring out my eyes

Q17) Do long distance relationships work?
Q18) Do you believe in God?
nope, but i hear he believes in me.
Q19) Do you believe in love?
Im starting to lose my belief on that one.
Q20) Do you consider yourself the life of the party?
yes, but don't take my word for it, come at the next one

Q21) Do you drink?
when i do, its not pretty,(just read previous post on my night out)
Q22) Do you make fun of people?
only my friends.
Q23) Do you think dreams eventually come true?
Yes, but you have to help those dreams along and get off your butt.
Q24) Favorite fictional character?
Q25) Go to the movies or rent?
Q26) Have you ever moved?
My god, it was my nightmare when i was a child, we moved almost every year, sometimes twice a year

Q27) What's up?
the sky.
Q28) How's the weather right now?
ver warm tonight,the good kind of weather.
Q29) Last time you cut your hair?
5 years ago, ive been shaving it ever since.
Q30) Last person you talked to on the phone?
my friend lynn.
Q32) Loud or soft music?
depends on my mood.
Q33) Mcdonalds or Burger King?
A&W all the way.
Q34) Night or day?
Day, let the sunshine in baby!!
Q35) Number of pillows?
Q36) Piano or guitar?
Q37) Future job?
Massagetherapist/social worker for kids, the good kind.
Q38) Current job?
Coffe agent
Q39) Current thought?
i dont want to go to work tomorrow morning.
Q40) Current longing?
To have a suicide girl by my side.
Q41) Current disappointment?
To not have a suicide girl by my side.
Q42) Current annoyance?
Do i need to say it.
Q43) Last thing you ate?
Sushi, and it was damn good.
Q44) Last thing you bought?
Snacks for my friends
Q45) Most recent thing you are looking foward to?
Having my paycheck this week, so i can go out.
Q46) What are you wearing right now?
my comfy pants.
Q47) Plans for the weekend?
Same as usual,Roleplaying, L.A.R.P and going out.
Q48) What did you do today?
went to visit some friends.
Q50) Ever been drunk?
Yes, and no one took advantage of me.
yes. no hangover!!!

this quiz is fucking too long!! why am i so lazy??