I am going to check out a strip club tomorrow to see if I would be up to the challenge of working there. I have never danced in a strip club before but have always wanted to. As I am looking for work and I was talking to a friend about how it had been on my mind, he set me up with a club that he knew in the area. I am going in to check it out before I attempt an audition. I hope it goes well as it would be the best opportunity for me. I didn't audition back in Australia as my parents go to alot of strip clubs and although I know they wouldnt be ashamed of me (they would probably be somewhat proud) I think there are just some situations with your parents that you should avoid.
I have gotten back on the health kick band wagon as all I have done since moving to newcastle is eat fatty english food and watch lots of football. back home i was getting quite fit but i have started to pork up a bit regretably since the cold makes me want to hide indoors rather than chucking on my exercise gear and braving the wind. and without having the resources for a gym membership i feel that I need to start watching what I eat a litle more carefully.
So I am enjoying the fact that I have moved to england and I am not under my parents roof but I miss my sister terribly. you see before I left she had a friend kill herself. As she is only 15 she had not had anything like this happen to her before with people that she has known. the odd family friend but never someone so close, young and healthy. and then to mix that with the fact that she had taken her life makes the situation confusing terifying and leaves you helpless. So leaving her in such a situation made me feel heartbroken. Then about three weeks after arriving here I get a phone call from my sister in tears telling me that she had just found out that another friend of hers had also taken his own life. I have no idea how t help her from so far away. She told me that she wants me home. but I dont think I can do that, I feel if I go home that it would be awful hard for me to some back.
other english experiences = getting up on a sunday morning early to go watch my friend play football in the freezing cold. i have never been so cold in my life. and to make things worse the game went into extra time and then eventually went to penalties. As I walked back it started to snow
I also made yorkshire puddings from scratch which were lush. I went to a bar near the football and watched it with the boys over a few pints of cider. bought a hairdryer at argos aswell, thats a fun little shop isn't it. oh and I officially have a uk number so I can text my two friends that I have here
good times though
I have gotten back on the health kick band wagon as all I have done since moving to newcastle is eat fatty english food and watch lots of football. back home i was getting quite fit but i have started to pork up a bit regretably since the cold makes me want to hide indoors rather than chucking on my exercise gear and braving the wind. and without having the resources for a gym membership i feel that I need to start watching what I eat a litle more carefully.
So I am enjoying the fact that I have moved to england and I am not under my parents roof but I miss my sister terribly. you see before I left she had a friend kill herself. As she is only 15 she had not had anything like this happen to her before with people that she has known. the odd family friend but never someone so close, young and healthy. and then to mix that with the fact that she had taken her life makes the situation confusing terifying and leaves you helpless. So leaving her in such a situation made me feel heartbroken. Then about three weeks after arriving here I get a phone call from my sister in tears telling me that she had just found out that another friend of hers had also taken his own life. I have no idea how t help her from so far away. She told me that she wants me home. but I dont think I can do that, I feel if I go home that it would be awful hard for me to some back.
other english experiences = getting up on a sunday morning early to go watch my friend play football in the freezing cold. i have never been so cold in my life. and to make things worse the game went into extra time and then eventually went to penalties. As I walked back it started to snow

good times though

the weather is shit here!