It took 6 hours in the melbourne airport followed by one 9 hour flight to thaliand with a three hour stopover followed by another 13hour flight to arrive at heathrow airport. then I travelled from the airport to kingscross station to wait another 4 hours until my three hour train ride to newcastle. But I have arrived and so far my adventures consist of the following...
eating several native foods such as fish n chips with mushy peas, trekking it on the metro to the airport frieght village to find my luggage, twice! realising the words i say in common usage have different meanings here, two examples being thong = flip flop and lolly=sweet. I have been cooked a sunday dinner and been taken to the art gallery where i proceeded to paint on a massive canvas just how yoko wanted, also putting my wishes on a tree and writing on a wall about how much i love my mum. I have been taken for a few drinks at the corner pub and also out to a club where i became so very intoxicated as to not remember any of the night and woke up lying in bed next to a bucket of vomit naked and wondering what terrible things i had done that night. the next day I was made to walk through the freezing cold park to see a tree full of shoes and going to pets corner where we came across a fluffy chicken and a peacock. I have packed my own groceries and used dull coloured pounds. sat on the couch eating chinese food, cake, sweets, chips and chicken while watching football and wrestling.
and this was achieved in only a week, bring on the uk!
eating several native foods such as fish n chips with mushy peas, trekking it on the metro to the airport frieght village to find my luggage, twice! realising the words i say in common usage have different meanings here, two examples being thong = flip flop and lolly=sweet. I have been cooked a sunday dinner and been taken to the art gallery where i proceeded to paint on a massive canvas just how yoko wanted, also putting my wishes on a tree and writing on a wall about how much i love my mum. I have been taken for a few drinks at the corner pub and also out to a club where i became so very intoxicated as to not remember any of the night and woke up lying in bed next to a bucket of vomit naked and wondering what terrible things i had done that night. the next day I was made to walk through the freezing cold park to see a tree full of shoes and going to pets corner where we came across a fluffy chicken and a peacock. I have packed my own groceries and used dull coloured pounds. sat on the couch eating chinese food, cake, sweets, chips and chicken while watching football and wrestling.
and this was achieved in only a week, bring on the uk!
I totally used to do that when I was younger (except it was with a walkman
I miss those times..)

you should totally become one though