well after about three jars of peanut butter, a sook to my sister and a few close friends, kind words from everyone here and an assesment of self I have finally recovered from my momentual freak out. sorry guys.
It must be us theatre people that keep the drama queen role alive.
I am starting to get quite excited about moving as I sit here alone on a friday night. how sad of me. I am a young 21 who loves dancing and socialising and showing off yet I sit here alone after waxing my brothers back hair and dancing around in a pair on stripper heels and a blue bikini to the reflection in my window. this is the exitement a friday night holds for me. Although I do find great comfort in once again logging on to Suicide Girls. my home away from home that I can take with me
I finally have taken the time to find a day for me and my friend ace sunshine to get together and produce my very first set. It turned out quite nice and is very me, don't know how well it will be recieved as it is not as bold as most of the beautiful intersting and dynamic girls on here. Once I get the final set together I will submit them. We did two different sets and I still can't decide which one I like more
how strange life can be, after only being away for 5 months and being back a little over three I have run into two ex fancies who I used to be completely in love with, and they both have let themselves go and have no real fascination for life. how I used to like these guys are beyond me. life is funny like that. continuing to show us flashes of what could have been. It does make us think of our past and the decisions that we make. Hopefully when we look back we all see that we have made the right ones for us!
happy year of the ox everyone!
It must be us theatre people that keep the drama queen role alive.
I am starting to get quite excited about moving as I sit here alone on a friday night. how sad of me. I am a young 21 who loves dancing and socialising and showing off yet I sit here alone after waxing my brothers back hair and dancing around in a pair on stripper heels and a blue bikini to the reflection in my window. this is the exitement a friday night holds for me. Although I do find great comfort in once again logging on to Suicide Girls. my home away from home that I can take with me

I finally have taken the time to find a day for me and my friend ace sunshine to get together and produce my very first set. It turned out quite nice and is very me, don't know how well it will be recieved as it is not as bold as most of the beautiful intersting and dynamic girls on here. Once I get the final set together I will submit them. We did two different sets and I still can't decide which one I like more

how strange life can be, after only being away for 5 months and being back a little over three I have run into two ex fancies who I used to be completely in love with, and they both have let themselves go and have no real fascination for life. how I used to like these guys are beyond me. life is funny like that. continuing to show us flashes of what could have been. It does make us think of our past and the decisions that we make. Hopefully when we look back we all see that we have made the right ones for us!
happy year of the ox everyone!
PS. Questions are answered