Everyone seems to be going through such hard times or are quite ill. Makes me feel like my "nothing" day that made me so happy should not be documented. Do you ever feel that when the people closest to you are sad that you get angry at yourself if you feel or want to feel happy. It is like how we often try not move on from a traumatic situation becuase we feel we always have to feel pain and open hurt for it. It should be worn on our faces and heard in our voice. We feel to move on would be hurtful to the memory of that loss and that somehow that thing we cared so much about will dissapear if we dont keep it in the foreground.
My day started out sleepy and slow, awakening to a text that made me smile for the rest of the day. I spoke to enlgand for about three hours sharing odd comments and listening to the converstaions of the two geordie boys in delight. They fascinate me, i could sit there forever and just listen to them talk. How strange to think they are on the other side of the world.
and after having some awesome phone sex (the only action i can get at the moment) I went ran to the gym to discover i had lost another kilo. I rode on the spin bike nowhere as I listened to spring awakening, with thoughts and ideas spinning round my head.
I was waxed today, one of my favourite rituals. having someone you barely know once a month rip hair off your vagina with a smile on their face is something that makes me smile on the inside. like your hairdresser, my waxer can recall information from my life at the drop of a hat, it's amazing. The feeling leaving the waxing studio brings me nothing more than joy, i love it!
I then got home to play around on photoshop, my favourite photo now being my display photo.
I also did a few photos for other people while i was at it
my sister came home and wanted me to go to the park with her. It is the one thing that is truly ours. at the moment we have new developments going up around our house and they have a playground on a beautiful hill with no kids to play in it. so every few nights my sister and i armed with our ipod and speakers dance up the road to the park and race each other to the swing, always at night and there is noone around, we sit there and talk and sing and just look at the stars.
she told me I have to find a park over in england so i can go on the swings the same time as her. I hope everyone has a special place like this for themselves, sometimes we just need to escape from this world into our own.
love you all!
My day started out sleepy and slow, awakening to a text that made me smile for the rest of the day. I spoke to enlgand for about three hours sharing odd comments and listening to the converstaions of the two geordie boys in delight. They fascinate me, i could sit there forever and just listen to them talk. How strange to think they are on the other side of the world.
and after having some awesome phone sex (the only action i can get at the moment) I went ran to the gym to discover i had lost another kilo. I rode on the spin bike nowhere as I listened to spring awakening, with thoughts and ideas spinning round my head.
I was waxed today, one of my favourite rituals. having someone you barely know once a month rip hair off your vagina with a smile on their face is something that makes me smile on the inside. like your hairdresser, my waxer can recall information from my life at the drop of a hat, it's amazing. The feeling leaving the waxing studio brings me nothing more than joy, i love it!
I then got home to play around on photoshop, my favourite photo now being my display photo.

I also did a few photos for other people while i was at it
my sister came home and wanted me to go to the park with her. It is the one thing that is truly ours. at the moment we have new developments going up around our house and they have a playground on a beautiful hill with no kids to play in it. so every few nights my sister and i armed with our ipod and speakers dance up the road to the park and race each other to the swing, always at night and there is noone around, we sit there and talk and sing and just look at the stars.
she told me I have to find a park over in england so i can go on the swings the same time as her. I hope everyone has a special place like this for themselves, sometimes we just need to escape from this world into our own.
love you all!
I'm gld you are enjoying yourself.