CURRENTLY LISTENING TO:: Matisyahu live at B.B. King's, 12/25/04. Track is now is Mr. Miller and Dres making his most public appearance since the days of Cross Colors and my sophmore year in college.
For wrestling fans throughout the world, yesterday was something of a holy day, WrestleMania. Of late (and for quite some time), the bloom has been off the flower (is that how the cliche goes? If not, someoe correct me), but last night, there is little doubt that the good men and women of the WWE, for the most part, delivered. A surprisingly entertaining show, especially from Trish Stratus, Mickie James, Edge, Mick Foley, and everybody's favorite face and heel to, simultaneously, boo, John Cena and ol' Trips.
But did we need the silly costumes? I'm not sure whether to wrestle John Cena or ask him to hear my confession . . .
And is Rey Mystrio the Gobbeldy Gooker or a Village Person?
But nothing takes the cake as much as Conan the Jackoff. . .
Professionally, life is very busy now. I really do have my dream job -- I've got one foot in the entertainment business that I know, helping friends that I believe in, and one foot in the MMA business, helping men that I look up to. I never really did think it could be so good. It's certainly a labor of love, because the big bucks sure aren't flowing in yet, but if that adage "do what you love, and the money will come" proves to be true, I'll be able to die happy.
Personally, its another story. Ain't it always tho? I feel like she's avoiding me. Won't call / email unless I initiate. She just started a new job, which I'm thrilled about for the fact that she's been looking (and subsequently floundering) for so long, but the distance is undeniably there.
A point to make here, for those of you who've read to this point (and take note, I really welcome female input on this one): I have no expectations of getting back together with her. And the only form of hope I have for a reunion comes with the very unrealistic "if all her personal problems were worked out" condition. Trust me, I'm not waiting, and the idea that we never get back together again, albeit sad, is something I can handle.
What I CAN'T handle is how she seems to have so little inclination to maintain our friendship. Yeah, I get that establishing post-relationship distance is something that we all have to do, but FUCKIN' SHIT, I provided so much for her - references that led to this job of hers, friends and a social life that she maintains on her own to this day, encouragement to engage this city, a reliable shoulder and ear for all the drama she faced last year, even a church for her to call home and an honest car dealer - and now she ignores me like I don't matter. Like just because we're split, all she's obligated to give me is ceremonial, hollow, token politeness.
Yo, I was the one that wanted out months before we split, but I stuck around. I was there for her, I continued to give as best I could, and I don't regret a moment of it. AND I'M THE ONE THAT MISSES HER!! I'm the one that was ready to move on, and I'm glad we did, but dammit, I want to know she still loves these past two years as much as I do.
This probably sounds pretty whiney and bitchlike. Again, it's not about me wanting a reunion, but I'd just like to see some acknowledgement from her. I know the conventional thinking is "enh, whaddya gonna do? Just move on and give up" but when it comes to these closer relationships, I give as much as I can and I expect her to rise to the occasion. Granted, it comes as no big surprise when someone doesn't live up to expectations, but shouldn't we be striving for that in the first place? Shouldn't we NOT be insisting that all breakups be bad, and that we try to take the respective high roads, talk well about each other, show love and appreciation, resolve leftover issues, and walk away from a relationship loving what we got out of it rather than grumbling about what wasn't there?
Probably reads like I should take a page from my own book. Look, I'll tell you all the good things about us -- how much we looked out for each other, how we supported and encouraged, how we got along with the others' parents, etc. I know the bad was there and I doubt its changed much, so again, I don't want to get back together.
I've given her real, unconditional friendship. And I just want her to reciprocate. She talks the Higher Road game, but I'm not seeing her walk it.
Fuckin' 1am. I was supposed to catch up on my work from the weekend and get a good night's sleep. One of those things surely isn't happening today!
Maybe one last look at Rigel, Pistola, Margot, and Roseanne before I give up for the day.
For wrestling fans throughout the world, yesterday was something of a holy day, WrestleMania. Of late (and for quite some time), the bloom has been off the flower (is that how the cliche goes? If not, someoe correct me), but last night, there is little doubt that the good men and women of the WWE, for the most part, delivered. A surprisingly entertaining show, especially from Trish Stratus, Mickie James, Edge, Mick Foley, and everybody's favorite face and heel to, simultaneously, boo, John Cena and ol' Trips.
But did we need the silly costumes? I'm not sure whether to wrestle John Cena or ask him to hear my confession . . .

And is Rey Mystrio the Gobbeldy Gooker or a Village Person?

But nothing takes the cake as much as Conan the Jackoff. . .

Professionally, life is very busy now. I really do have my dream job -- I've got one foot in the entertainment business that I know, helping friends that I believe in, and one foot in the MMA business, helping men that I look up to. I never really did think it could be so good. It's certainly a labor of love, because the big bucks sure aren't flowing in yet, but if that adage "do what you love, and the money will come" proves to be true, I'll be able to die happy.
Personally, its another story. Ain't it always tho? I feel like she's avoiding me. Won't call / email unless I initiate. She just started a new job, which I'm thrilled about for the fact that she's been looking (and subsequently floundering) for so long, but the distance is undeniably there.
A point to make here, for those of you who've read to this point (and take note, I really welcome female input on this one): I have no expectations of getting back together with her. And the only form of hope I have for a reunion comes with the very unrealistic "if all her personal problems were worked out" condition. Trust me, I'm not waiting, and the idea that we never get back together again, albeit sad, is something I can handle.
What I CAN'T handle is how she seems to have so little inclination to maintain our friendship. Yeah, I get that establishing post-relationship distance is something that we all have to do, but FUCKIN' SHIT, I provided so much for her - references that led to this job of hers, friends and a social life that she maintains on her own to this day, encouragement to engage this city, a reliable shoulder and ear for all the drama she faced last year, even a church for her to call home and an honest car dealer - and now she ignores me like I don't matter. Like just because we're split, all she's obligated to give me is ceremonial, hollow, token politeness.
Yo, I was the one that wanted out months before we split, but I stuck around. I was there for her, I continued to give as best I could, and I don't regret a moment of it. AND I'M THE ONE THAT MISSES HER!! I'm the one that was ready to move on, and I'm glad we did, but dammit, I want to know she still loves these past two years as much as I do.
This probably sounds pretty whiney and bitchlike. Again, it's not about me wanting a reunion, but I'd just like to see some acknowledgement from her. I know the conventional thinking is "enh, whaddya gonna do? Just move on and give up" but when it comes to these closer relationships, I give as much as I can and I expect her to rise to the occasion. Granted, it comes as no big surprise when someone doesn't live up to expectations, but shouldn't we be striving for that in the first place? Shouldn't we NOT be insisting that all breakups be bad, and that we try to take the respective high roads, talk well about each other, show love and appreciation, resolve leftover issues, and walk away from a relationship loving what we got out of it rather than grumbling about what wasn't there?
Probably reads like I should take a page from my own book. Look, I'll tell you all the good things about us -- how much we looked out for each other, how we supported and encouraged, how we got along with the others' parents, etc. I know the bad was there and I doubt its changed much, so again, I don't want to get back together.
I've given her real, unconditional friendship. And I just want her to reciprocate. She talks the Higher Road game, but I'm not seeing her walk it.

Fuckin' 1am. I was supposed to catch up on my work from the weekend and get a good night's sleep. One of those things surely isn't happening today!
Maybe one last look at Rigel, Pistola, Margot, and Roseanne before I give up for the day.
It's really quite odd.
Sharpies are good! I'm a fan!