I've been thinking about an old friend today. I miss her and don't know how to contact her now. She lived in Little Rock, AR, but she may be in Missourri now. I'm not sure where she is. Her name is Zina. She's tall and dark and striking. You can't miss her. She's friendly and flirty with most anyone. P.J. and I would like to...
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Hmm doesn't sound familiar.
I shouldn't be laughing right now, because that's happened to people around me. Actually stopped drinking (work tomorrow). I deserve to be fat. I have, at any time, at least six half gallon containers of Breyers in the freezer. I just ate half of one. *flexes*
I've been thinking about an old friend today. I miss her and don't know how to contact her now. She lived in Little Rock, AR, but she may be in Missourri now. I'm not sure where she is. Her name is Zina. She's tall and dark and striking. You can't miss her. She's friendly and flirty with most anyone. P.J. and I would like to...
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