When too many rules come into play, music becomes secondary.

My Aural Comp teacher calls them Theory Nazis

Music is not fun anymore. This is a very very bad thing for me to experience. I don't know what needs to happen. At all.
Edward Poley

POLEY - Edward P. Poley, aged 68, of Grand Rapids, passed away Friday, February 4, 2005. He was preceded in death by his parents, Martin and Elizabeth Poley and his sister, Wilma Poley. He is survived by his wife of 39 years, Barbara; daughter, Debbie (Randy) Gurski; grandchildren, Christina, Michael and Erin; brother, Martin (Arlene) Poley; sisters, Jean (Bill) Livermore; Pat Swart and...
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happy birthday kiss
sorry to hear about your friend frown
im sorry to hear about your friend, but i hopeyou have a good birthday
I have an idea. I was thinking about this at work yesturday. When spring break comes, I want to take 8hrs of my day and do something musical. Like write one or two punk songs, practice my pieces for school etc etc.
Here is another point to this. I am going to treat it like my job. "Punch In",,work for like an hour and forty...
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I try and to this often with writing and such.. it works well some days... we'll talk more later... seeing as though you are probably ten feet away as I type this
Me and Kristen set out for Chicago in 7 days. I am going to see The Methadones with her. I AM GOING TO SEE ONE OF MY FAVORITE BANDS WITH MY GIRLFRIEND!! Need I say more. We are going to meet them. I am not going to freeze and come up with something stupid to say. I am going to buy Dan a beer. We...
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Yeah it was one of those days...and the frightening thing is I don't know why. I what to shed a tear or two. One for me and one for the anger and frustration I spread.
I just got done taking my morning pooper and I came up with a new ad slogan for Cottonelle tp.

Mail the idea to Cottenelle... maybe you'll get a form letter saying "no thanks"....
After numerous trips back and forth to attempt to fix my car, I got it home safely. However, it takes a few turns for it to start. That might be because everything needs to be charged up again. This time I said to myself I am going to fix it. I am not going to run to somebody that can, so they end up doing...
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I am starting to worry again. It has to do with money. Why am I in school...just overall uncertainty of my future.

I have some ideas in my head what I want to do musically. Oddly, school is holding that back from happening. Why?...because I am a music major.

It is that feeling of being pulled. Something is calling me but I don't want to...
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Hey Hey....I guess there is a new Riverdale website coming in the weeks ahead. I features that guy in the white shirt and tie...he is my favorite. I am going to see them in Chicago on my birthday. I am getting excited as the weeks fly by.
new riverdale fan site? or a band site?