ok....four and a half hours down....got the new piece down...just have to tighten it up rythmically....now i am going to work on two more for the next four hrs...then dinner time....soup and garlic bread...maybe even a Seinfeld episode of two...what a great day this has become.
Art is good...but story is good too.

Rock on!
so I have completed my first hour of my eight hour practice session. I fumbled through my scales today...not happy about it. So I am on my 15 min break. Talking to Kristen.

Next I what to start on my new piece for about 2 hrs.

ok take care
Would everybody agree that some people with cell phones come off as sneaky?
It depends on how they use the phone... if they had shifty eyes, and were hunched over a little... then yeah, maybe sneaky... but some people just look (or sound) bored/boring.
I guess drugs are coming popular in the schools again, especially with the local media. I watched a news segment on Wood-tv last night on my break. It told the story of how a perfect middle class girl with straight A's died from a heroin overdose sold by a black guy. This is big news because he pleaded guilty to it.
They later had an...
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work work work work work work work work work drugs work work work work work work work work work work drudge work work work work end
GD is sold out...
got two queers tickets-- not sure if I had $ for more than two..
Alkaline is not on sale yet..

I have to go to work now...
(when saying the following, try to remeber those pelicans from Finding Nemo MINE MINE MINE!!!)

work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work
work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work
work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work
work work...
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This is one of those happenings when you get fed up with your ways and it is time to take action. I have no fucking money. I need to start saving. I need to pay more money on bills.

so...I have to quit smoking. Now...be prepared for me to be a beast. I am going to unleash. Here is what you can do....dont ask me...
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Good luck on not smoking. It's tough, but it can be done!
I just relized something


can also be seen as

your avatar photo is all blurry and making me dizzy!!!
and I have no idea who those two people are, but I don't think they are in my favorite band...
I wish I had a pony....
no, not really.