Fucking Patriots.
Just watched Paranormal Activity with the roommate and his girl, that shit is pretty legit, the alternate ending sucks. Much better in the theater.
This week should be pretty awesome though, have a class all week for Military Transition Teams.
Being broke sucks big ol dick. The holidays were rough on the finances, thank god its almost tax time, I need a bailout....
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Just watched Paranormal Activity with the roommate and his girl, that shit is pretty legit, the alternate ending sucks. Much better in the theater.
This week should be pretty awesome though, have a class all week for Military Transition Teams.
Being broke sucks big ol dick. The holidays were rough on the finances, thank god its almost tax time, I need a bailout....
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i'm still`waiting on 1 document to put it together. i made almost nothing last year. it's driving me nuts!
i got jewed on my taxes. fucking government.
I would update this more but right now my life is somewhat stagnant. Dont get me wrong I am enjoying the newly found pleasure of being single, its very relaxing. Anyway I just wanted to tell you girls that I love what you do. No where else can you find beautiful woman naked who also have personalities. So thank you

aww geeze..that's sweet!
It doesn't happen much. I'm sure you get more there.
Heading to Buffalo Wild Wings for some beer and the UFC fight. Brock might get charged with murder tonight.
Yall enjoy your weekend.
Yall enjoy your weekend.
I thought he was fighting last night since Couture was, but he is next weekend.
oh my my

So if I have a HOUSE fly in my apartment is it a housefly...or an apartment fly? Anyway there is one in here the last couple days and it is fucking huge, I cant kill it. It obviously got that big by learning to survive and its evasive techniques are astonishing. Today at work for 8 hours I will come up with something...anyway....
bug zapper..really...
homefly works, thank you darling. And as far as a bug zapper goes, it would probably just break it, it looks like a flying pitbull ha
So I lost everything I had on my computer thanks to mother fucking windows update. I fucking hate computers, if it were not for gorgeous girls like you and idiots on youtube I would not even have this thing.
Hope you all have a wonderful day
Hope you all have a wonderful day
Ha I wouldnt say useless, I would say unreliable
And making it worthwhile is absolutely correct

Well I agree, in order to get a reaction to must take action, if you watch that Documentary I told you about you will see what I mean. He makes great points and its the truth, but in order to get the truth and for people to understand the truth he has to lie, and by lie I don't mean his words, he lies in the way he edits his stuff.
This week went by quick. Between being sick the first few days and work being crazy busy I am fucking exhausted. Sad news, my good friend and roommate Joe moved back to Wyoming yesterday, he is no longer an Army boy. Miss him already, one of the best dudes I have ever met. On a good note he is 4 hours away and the trip...
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Feeling better now at least. Watched the movie Across the Universe today. I put it off for a while, was worried that they would fuck up all the Beatles classics and I would hate it. The complete opposite, the movie and soundtrack are fucking incredible. If you dont watch it your lame
Mondays suck balls, when your stuck in bed in the fetal position it sucks even more. So fuck Monday's. Im therefore making Tuesday a new day off. Tell your boss
fetus position, ftw.
No shit, cant believe I did it for 9 months FML

I hate blogging, I don't like to press my opinions onto others, but for the sake of boredom I am going to blog about what everyone blogs about, the war in Iraq. I hate hearing about it as much as you do, maybe even more being in the middle of it. What you hear and what is actually going on are two totally different stories....
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