Hey SGers
Sorry for the huge delays, as usual - I honestly am in the process of planning a come-back set I've just had some personal issues.
Here's a new pic, my dreads are coming along v nicely! Better with age <3
Peace n love xx
Very sexy 😍
No worries, I always liked the saying that "Life is what happens when your planning other things."... It's so true. Always wished I was a bit better at living in the moment so that time does not slip by quite so fast. Really do hope to see the comeback, you're looking amazing and sounds like you're working on some good things... And on the month sober thing.... Long time back it hit me how actually easy it is, you just literally cut whatever it is out of your life.. It does not take that long before you realize that you've just moved on and how really unimportant that thing you gave up was.... And bringing it all home here..... Life still just goes on.... Good luck & lots of love....