i miss them in a bad way

i'm attempting to continue forward in london. not sure how long i'll stay here, it kind of depends on if i can get work and that kinda thing.
i'm missing home, but i got to talk to my sister, mum and step dad last nite...good to hear their voices.
everything i feel is magnified x 10, everything is more difficult to handle being so far away from home, but i'm determined to make the most of what i have left here.
just wanted to thank everyone for your kind words, it's all appreciated so much, and it means a lot to me. some of them i may not deserve. but thank you.
i've been trying to decide where i want to travel before i return home, greece, spain, france, czech republic (prauge). travelling might be better if i didn't have to do it alone, but i think i'll still do it, it'd be a shame if i only stayed in london while i was here.
not much else to update. i'm waiting for a phone call from a guy who runs a little cafe near where i'm staying, they're looking for part time help, and the hours would be perfect for me. we'll see if he even calls, all i can do is hope...and maybe stop in there tomorrow if he doesn't.
alright, well i'm off since i don't really have anything constructive to say.
ciao x
And as for travelling... I hear Durham is lovely this time of year