why is it that some girls can eat whatever they want and not put on an bit of weight....but i eat what i want and feel faaaaaaaat!!!!!!! i mean, ok, i can see i'm not fat....but i just feel...blah
......i'm whining!!!!! and i hate it!!!!!! i just need to stop eating everything in site i think....but i love food
and i can't stop myself! i have no will power

I've heard British food is pretty gross, so you've made a move toward appetite control already.

we are totaly going to have so much fun next week. sunday was just a warm up to how much fun we gonna have. the park is open from 10-8 so we'll have to figure out what time we want to get there and such. i'm figuring it's not going to be that crouded at all which means we get to ride a crap load of rides and have a mellow trip. i'm trying to figure out how we can get you over to DCA for free. you need to ride the tower of terror. it's super cool and creepy.