after a long day of work and shopping that started this morning with my alarm blaring at 5am, i am fucking tired!!!!! i'm too tired to take off my jeans before bed, too tired to pull my vibrator out of my panty drawer, too tired to take the makeup off my face, too tired to clean my teeth, and too tired to get up and put my computer back on my desk, too tired to go downstairs to get my phone from the coffee table and too damn tired to want to get up again tomorrow morning early to catch the bus to work. i'm running myself ragged, headaches for the last four weeks, feeling half ill but not quite well.
time to sleep.......
time to sleep.......
Ya know, you should rest!
One of these saturdays you need to get up when your body wants to. It's hard though.. because the mind keeps fucking with the body. That sounded perverted. But I am a pervert. And perverted thoughts come to my mind when I see your profile pic. I'm a bad girl