the other nite on my way home from work, i was about ready to get on the bus, and this little fucking 17 year old snot nosed brat rode his little bike by me and said 'excuse me you crazy bitch', (what's the point of saying excuse me if the words 'crazy bitch' are to follow?) by the time he'd passed all i could do was yell as he rode off. i would've given anything for him to ride by again so i could shove him off his little bike and giggle as he hit the pavement. it's rare that someone who doesn't know me can say anything that would piss me off more, bitch?....fuck off!
yes, it's friday evening and i am at home...i guess my excuse is work in the morning. that and i have nothing else to do. that's alright though, i have much to do here.
my sweet little cat is such a talker! the chatty little bastard keeps me up at nite when i try to sleep, other than that, it's actually quite endearing.
have a lovely weekend kids, and if it's sunny where you are, enjoy the weather.

yes, it's friday evening and i am at home...i guess my excuse is work in the morning. that and i have nothing else to do. that's alright though, i have much to do here.
my sweet little cat is such a talker! the chatty little bastard keeps me up at nite when i try to sleep, other than that, it's actually quite endearing.
have a lovely weekend kids, and if it's sunny where you are, enjoy the weather.

serve the little shit right!
wow, it has been so sunny this weekend - its actually been warm enough to not have to wear a coat! you forget london can be this nice when you have 6 months of dismal crappy weather!
so you'll be arriving about the right time, my dear!!
and hey - do you fancy a day out in london with me, ladyinsane and sianyriot the week after you arrive?
Get out of my dreams and onto the back of my bike, you crazy bitch.