Update time! I miss Rosaleigh. I'm hoping to go visit her before the year is over. I have been really enjoying the sets that have been going up recently. I want to shoot another one. When I move back to school, I want to try to get in contact with Taye. I don't have any ideas for the set yet, but I'm sure all of you might have some ideas!! My best friend Dane told me that he made a list of a bunch of things so I need to take a look at that too. I'm hoping to shoot with his 1968 Orange VW. Like, park the car somewhere in the hills where it would be really green. I think that would be neat. I'm hoping that my dad will get me a new camera for my birthday. I am bored right now waiting to go to work, so I took some photographs with my webcam since I have seemed to misplace all of my cameras. I think they are sitting in my apartment. Anyway, enjoy the wonderful quality of these photos. Haha.
damn you sure look good, Jayn
those ARE some serious curves. you are absolutely fantastatic