I thought that I would make everyone laugh and post photographs of myself from when I was about 13 to 16..
This was me when I was hella skinny becase I used to do meth, haha. Oh, teenage years.

^ on hella meth!
I hope you laughed... because I did! I used to be so fucking hardXcore dude. HAHAHAHA.
Anyway, life is still the same. Not doing anything different. I'm going to spend next Saturday in Berkeley to see Death Cab. Any of you live in Berkeley?? I know one.. but any others??\

This was me when I was hella skinny becase I used to do meth, haha. Oh, teenage years.

^ on hella meth!

I hope you laughed... because I did! I used to be so fucking hardXcore dude. HAHAHAHA.
Anyway, life is still the same. Not doing anything different. I'm going to spend next Saturday in Berkeley to see Death Cab. Any of you live in Berkeley?? I know one.. but any others??\
might have to try a little harder to make me laugh.