Just figured that I would post some recent photographs of myself. My hair is hella growing. I dyed it auburn the other day and when I go home for Spring Break, I'm going to make it more red. I really like this boy, the one that gave me the hickeys on my neck in the picture in my last post, or the one before. He recently told me that he could not talk to me anymore because he likes another girl, who btw, I am way hotter than. I bet she has never been naked on the internet, bitch. So, from all of this built up agression, I decided to venture off on a 3 day drinking binge this past weekend. I could not sleep last night because my insides were burning so bad. I think that I am fully recovered now. I'm not drinking until St. Patrick's Day.
And I only want the group back if you decide you no longer want to moderate it.